Tuesday, December 27, 2022


What to eat and avoid for premature ejaculation?

 premature ejaculation treatment in delhi

According to medical reports, nearly 20-30% of men suffer from premature ejaculation. Premature ejaculation makes sex less enjoyable and makes conception difficult. As a result, it causes various relationship problems and couples may feel disappointed and frustrated. However, a premature ejaculation doctor in Delhi suggests some dietary precautions which can help you curb the symptoms of premature effectively. 

Foods to eat for premature ejaculation: 

Recommended by a doctor: Here are some everyday food items which you must include in your diet to help you manage premature ejaculation, as suggested by a premature ejaculation doctor.

  • Carrots 

Carrots are filled with antioxidants which increase blood flow to the genitals. You must eat boiled carrots to curb premature ejaculation. 

  • Oats 

You can add oats to your diet as it increases the testosterone level in the blood and also relaxes the penis muscles during intercourse. 

  • Garlic 

Garlic has a high level of allicin which enhances the flow of blood in the penis, thereby decreasing the chance of premature ejaculation. 

  • Watermelon 

Watermelon has a lot of health benefits. You can add watermelon to your salad, which can help in increasing your libido. 

  • Bananas

Bananas are great sources of bromelain which increases testosterone in the bloodstream and reduces the chance of premature ejaculation. Moreover, it also boosts sperm quality and quantity. 

Foods you must avoid to manage premature ejaculation: 

Recommended by a doctor: As some food items are necessary to include in your diet, there are some foods which you must avoid eating to get relief from premature ejaculation. You must avoid the following food items to maintain your erection. 

  • Starchy food 

Starchy food items increase blood sugar level, which decreases testosterone level and causes erection problems

  • Alcohol and tobacco 

Smoking and drinking too much alcohol can cause sexual disorders like erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation

  • Fried food 

Eating junk and fried foods increase cholesterol level, which can lead to hormonal imbalance and affect your sexual health. 

If you find that premature ejaculation is interfering with your sexual life and causing relationship problems, you must seek premature ejaculation treatment to bring your sex life back to normal. 

Moreover, you can opt to go for ayurvedic premature ejaculation treatment to cure premature ejaculation.

Monday, December 26, 2022


Surprising facts about perimenopause

sign of perimenopause

Most of us think that the common symptoms of menopause are hot flashes, frequent mood swings and vaginal dryness. But in reality, these are signs of perimenopause. Perimenopause is the phase which happens before menopause when ovaries start to produce less estrogen, eventually leading to the stoppage of our menstrual cycle. During this phase, our body undergoes various changes that affect both our physical and emotional health. An infertility doctor explains some surprising facts about this natural transition. 

Things that women should know about perimenopause

Almost all women experience menopause between the ages of 45 and 55. Before this phase, they experience symptoms of perimenopause. As a woman, you might have several questions about this phase. Below are some surprising facts about perimenopause as discussed by an infertility doctor in Kolkata.  

  1. Irregular menstrual cycle is the first sign of perimenopause. There is a constant change in the estrogen level throughout this phase. As a result, you are likely to experience irregular or missed periods.
  2. Most women experience the symptoms of perimenopause for 3-4 years before transitioning into menopause. 
  3. It is to be noted that the common symptoms of perimenopause are vaginal dryness, irregular periods, mood swings, dryness in the vagina and sleep disturbances. These symptoms vary from woman to woman depending on their age, body shape and lifestyle habits. 
  4. Early perimenopause can have an impact on your health. Estrogen has a lot of health benefits. Women who enter into early perimenopause have the risk of developing many long-term complications. 
  5. You don’t need treatment to manage the symptoms of perimenopause. It is a natural phase of life that all women go through. However, if your symptoms interfere with your daily activities, you can consult an infertility doctor. 
  6. It is difficult to get pregnant during perimenopause. Women who are willing to conceive during this phase need to rely on infertility treatments like IVF, IUI and medicines to conceive. 


Perimenopause is a natural phase that all women have to embrace. It is important to be educated about this period so that it can help all women to continue with their lives amidst the transition.

Monday, December 19, 2022


Some common diagnostic tests for male infertility treatment

Infertility treatment in Kolkata

There is a myth that male infertility is not common. If there is trouble in conception even after having unprotected sex for six months to one year, there is a 50-50 chance that both the male and female might have infertility issues. Always consult your doctor to identify the root cause of the infertility problem. Whenever you consult your doctor for infertility treatment, your doctor will suggest some diagnostic tests before beginning your treatment. 

Common diagnostic tests to identify male infertility

According to the opinion of an infertility specialist in Kolkata, men who have issues in fertility usually do not have any signs and symptoms and have to get tested to identify the cause of the issue. 

Some of the common tests that your doctor will ask to perform are as follows:

Semen analysis:
Semen analysis is the most important test done to diagnose male infertility. Semen analysis is done to know about the quantity and quality of semen and sperm in it. Semen is collected and sent to the lab to check for the following factors.
  1. Sperm count
  2. Sperm volume 
  3. Sperm motility
  4. Sperm morphology 
  5. pH level 
Hormone testing:

Too much or less sperm production can affect your ability to engage in sex. 
Hormone tests are done to measure the testosterone level and other follicle-stimulating hormones to determine the quantity of sperm production. 

Sperm penetrative Assay:
This test is performed to know the ability of the sperm to get attached to the egg membrane, penetrate and fertilize the egg. SPA test is often done before an IVF treatment to ensure the proper functioning of the sperm for fertilizing the egg. 

Genetic testing:

One of the reasons for male infertility is genetic abnormalities. Genetics can affect the production of sperm and the ability of the sperm to fertilize the egg. Genetic testing is done to identify any underlying mutations in the Y chromosome and cystic fibrosis. 

Scrotal ultrasound:
It is an imaging test to check the scrotum in males. This test is performed helps to detect any swollen veins in the scrotum, any signs of injury, testicular torsion and fluid collection. 

Depending upon the results of the above tests, your infertility specialist will start your diagnosis and begin your treatment accordingly. 


There is nothing to be ashamed if you have infertility issues. In most of the cases, male infertility problems are treatable. Consult your doctor and enjoy the joy of fatherhood.

Tuesday, December 13, 2022


Can smoking affect sperm health?

People already know that smoking can cause various health problems. But few are aware that smoking also affects your sperm. According to the opinion of a well-known sexologist in Delhi, smoking is associated with decreased sperm count, sperm mobility and reduced sperm morphology.  

Can smoking affect sperm

How does smoking impact your sperm health? 

Answers by sexologist: According to the reports of the World Health Organization (WHO), about one-third of the world population above the age of 15 is smokers. Studies have also shown that smoking leads to poor semen health.

One of the best ayurvedic sexologists in Delhi said that the toxins present in cigarettes has been linked to poor sperm health, compromising male fertility. 

Let’s have a closer look and find out in details. 

Sperm concentration

Sperm concentration refers to the quantity of sperm in semen. Reports have shown a decrease in sperm concentration in men who smoked tobacco. 

Sperm morphology 

Infertile smokers are reported to have poor sperm morphology compared to infertile non-smokers. Abnormal sperm morphology fails to fertilize the egg in the ovary. 

Sperm motility 

Smoking is associated with low sperm mobility. Poor sperm mobility fails to fertilize the egg and leads to infertility. 

Sperm DNA

Damaged sperm DNA often leads to other fertility problems like poor embryo development, embryo implantation and abnormal hormone levels. 

Why smoking leads to infertility in men? 

Explained by sexologist: Cigarettes contain toxins like carcinogens and mutagenic substances that damage the sperm. Moreover, they also contain heavy metals like calcium and lead, which have a shelf life of 10 to 12 years in the body and negatively impacts semen health. 

A reputed sexologist in Delhi also claimed that damaged DNA in sperm even increases the chance of miscarriage. 

Studies have also reported that men who smoke have twice the risk of developing erectile dysfunction than non-smokers. 

If you have infertility issues, don’t feel ashamed to seek treatment. Moreover, you can take oral herbal sexual medicines to improve your fertility, but it is always advised to consult with your doctor. 


Smoking is a serious risk factor for infertility in men. So, quit smoking and enjoy a healthy conception.

Sunday, December 11, 2022


Male Menopause: Myth or Reality?

Menopause is a term associated with females that marks the end of the menstrual cycle. However, men also experience a wide range of symptoms as they grow older, which is referred to as male menopause or andropause, stated a top sexologist in Kolkata. 

sexologist in kolkata

What is male menopause? 

Answer by sexologist: The term male menopause is used to describe the decreasing testosterone levels due to ageing. In men, the production of testosterone and other reproductive hormone decreases as they age. The testosterone level declines slowly, and hence it goes unnoticed.

According to the opinion of an ayurvedic sexologist in Kolkata, approximately 30% of men above the age of 50 start experiencing the symptoms of andropause gradually.

How to recognize the signs and symptoms? 

Answer by sexologist: As you grow older, it is common for men to experience low sexual drive and physical as well as emotional changes due to the decline in the production of the testosterone hormone.

A well-known sexologist also highlights some other symptoms that males experience as a result of low testosterone. Let’s know them.
  • Less inclined to engage in sex
  • Regular fatigue 
  • Erectile dysfunction 
  • Persistent mood swings 
  • Depression, insomnia 
  • Increased muscle mass 
  • Low bone density 
Many of these symptoms are also common in men with heart disease, diabetes and obesity. Hence it is important to consult your doctor, who will recommend diagnostic tests to identify the exact cause of your symptoms.

Is there any treatment for male menopause? 

Answer by sexologist: Unless your decline in testosterone is caused by other health conditions, making healthy lifestyle choices is the best treatment option. For instance, your doctor might advise to adopt the following lifestyle changes.
  • Eat a balanced diet 
  • Manage your stress
  • Get proper sleep 
  • Lead an active life
  • Do regular exercise.
If you hesitate to discuss your problems, you can go for sexual ayurvedic treatment and take herbal medicines. But it is always advisable to consult a doctor to avoid any complications. 


It is normal for men to experience hormonal changes as they age. However, if it is causing you any severe problem, talk to your doctor about the signs and symptoms and get the possible treatments.

Tuesday, November 29, 2022


Myths vs. Facts about premature ejaculation: Answers premature ejaculation doctor

Premature ejaculation is a common sexual disorder in men in which you reach orgasm before intercourse or minutes after intercourse. Nearly one out of three men suffers from premature ejaculation, said a premature ejaculation doctor in Delhi. Premature ejaculation can be caused due to various factors, both physical and psychological, and is a treatable condition.



Let's discuss some myths surrounding premature ejaculation

Premature ejaculation doctor in Delhi discusses myths about premature ejaculation

  • Myth: Men with premature ejaculation suffer from terrible anxiety disorder

Fact: Anxiety may trigger PE but there are several other factors that can cause premature ejaculation. 


  • Myth: Premature ejaculation affects only young men.

Fact: Premature ejaculation can occur at any age. Reports suggest that men above 50 years can experience premature ejaculation. 

  • Myth: If you do not perform well in bed, you have premature ejaculation

Fact: Doctors say that men who can't perform well in bed for more than two minutes may have premature ejaculation. However, there are many men who stay for more than two minutes but have premature ejaculation. 

  • Myth: Stop and squeeze technique can cure premature ejaculation.

Fact: Sometimes, stop and squeeze technique can make the condition worse. Also, this technique can be frustrating to your partner as well. Hence, it is always advised to go for premature ejaculation treatment

  • Myth: Premature ejaculation is caused due to low testosterone

Fact: There is o such link between premature ejaculation and low testosterone

  • Myth: There is no cure for premature ejaculation

Fact: Many treatment options are available to cure premature ejaculation.

If you are experiencing premature ejaculation, don't worry. You can also go for ayurvedic premature ejaculation treatment to return to your normal sex life. 


Premature ejaculation is a treatable disorder, and there is nothing to be ashamed about. Talk to your doctor about it and start your treatment.


Causes & treatment of blocked fallopian tubes: Explains an infertility doctor

Fallopian tubes are reproductive organs in females that connect the ovaries and uterus. The fallopian tube is responsible for carrying the egg from an ovary to the uterus. Conception takes place in the fallopian tube when the egg gets fertilized by sperms and move to the uterus for implantation.



When there is an obstruction in the fallopian tubes such as scarring or infection the fallopian tube gets blocked. Many women do not realize the symptoms of a blocked fallopian tube, and they assume their menstrual cycle is regular, said an infertility doctor in DhakaBut in reality, this is not true. If your fallopian tube is blocked, sperm cannot reach the egg, thus preventing fertilization. 

Causes of blocked fallopian tube: Explains an infertility doctor 

One of the main causes of a blocked fallopian tube is scarring or infection in the fallopian tube stated an infertility specialist. However, blocked fallopian tube can be caused by many other factors, including:

  • Pelvic inflammatory disease 

  • Uterine fibroids which get attached to the uterus and block the fallopian tube. 

  • Previous abdominal surgery, especially on the fallopian tube can cause pelvic adhesions that block the tube.

  • Sexually transmitted disease (STDs) like Chlamydia and gonorrhea can cause pelvic inflammatory diseases which blocks the tube. 

Though there are no direct symptoms of a blocked fallopian tube, however, you may experience the below conditions indicating a blocked fallopian tube, says an infertility specialist in Dhaka. 

  • Pain during intercourse

  • Foul-smelling vaginal discharge 

  • Severe abdominal or pelvic pain

  • Nausea and vomiting 

If you experience any unusual symptoms, talk to your doctor without delay.

Treatment of blocked fallopian tube: Explains an infertility doctor 

Laparoscopic surgery is the best treatment options for blocked fallopian tubes which align with the cause of the disease and improve your chance of healthy conception, said an infertility specialist. 

This surgery can repair the blocked fallopian tube. But if the fallopian tube gets damaged, laparoscopic surgery can remove the fallopian tubes to prevent further health complications.


When one fallopian tube gets blocked, getting pregnant is possible if you start your treatment early. However, if both tubes get blocked, you may opt for surgery or IVF treatment.

What to eat and avoid for premature ejaculation?

  According to medical reports, nearly 20-30% of men suffer from premature ejaculation. Premature ejaculation makes sex less enjoyable and m...