Thursday, February 4, 2021


Can the Coronavirus Ruin Your Sex Life – the Best Sexologist Explains

 With the pandemic came official orders of lockdown, and a complete shutdown ofrestaurants, bars, and fitness studios followed. Meeting someone new or taking your partner in these public places became a thing of the past. The dating apps put out strict precautions about online dating during these tough times. So, a common question that may come to your mind: Is it safe to get intimate or have sex during the pandemic? We took the same question to the best sexologist doctors in Kolkata.

best sexologist doctors in Kolkata

What do we know about COVID-19

Although a year has passed since the pandemic started, the virus is still considered a ‘novel’ one. Therefore, further research is required to determine whether the coronavirus could get transmitted sexually. According to the top sexologist in Kolkata, coronavirus gets transmitted through respiratory droplets that spray out of your nose or mouth. The virus can also spread through the fecal matter of people who are infected.

Coronavirus is not a sexually transmitted infection

Sexology doctors in Kolkata typically agree that the new virus does not appear to be sexually transmitted. They are, however, still unclear about what kind of sexual acts can or can’t spread the virus. That said, you could contract it from sexual activities. The current recommendation from CDC is that people should avoid being within 1.83 meters (6 feet) of one another. It means you cannot have intercourse with your partner that far away.

Is sex off-limits?

According to the best sexologist in Kolkata, the risks of getting the virus varies depending on whether you are having sex with your live-in partner or with someone you do not know very well. He says that having intercourse with your live-in partner is probably OK. Here is a list of some sex tips we should keep in mind:

·         Choose the position where you are facing away from your partner

·         Kiss less frequently

Avoid anal play

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